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Our electronic development team work closely with our product design team from the outset to ensure seamless integration. Our electronic engineering projects range from small, low power wi-fi and bluetooth devices to large electromechanical drives and displays.


In house circuit design, PCB layout, firmware, prototyping and testing ensure efficient electronic system integration throughout the design process.​



Electronic feasibility work is undertaken to establish a suitable system configuration and consider how user interfaces, power and drive train requirements can be integrated into the design. This includes research into suitable components, systems, and processes that will allow the proposed electronic system to meet the requirements of the project specification.


This process typically results in a proposed development pathway, along with an assessment of the implications on ongoing development and production costs.​


The initial stages of an electronic development project often use proof of concept electronic prototypes and evaluation boards to prove out basic system functionality. This can consist of desktop rigs that allow electronic control of mechanical hardware to independently test specific features or systems.


This allows us to test a range of different electronic hardware and electronic firmware to refine functionality and develop intuitive user interfaces.​​​​

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Detailed electronic design typically includes schematic & PCB design, firmware programming and the iterative testing and debugging of production intent prototype electronics.


Production-ready electronic PCBA's, firmware, connectivity and wiring looms allow for full system integration and validation testing of key mechanical / electronic functionality. Our in house team ensures that bespoke electronic functionality can be optimised throughout a project to provide a high quality user experience for end users. â€‹â€‹

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